Pacific Rim Pathology


The Pacific Rim Pathology Research Department is a dynamic and interdisciplinary team of research professionals that work directly with CROs and sponsors to provide professional, technical, and administrative services to support clinical research trials.

analysis, biochemistry, biologist

Learn more about the various services we offer below!

Precision Histology

Histology services include tissue processing (from formalin, zinc or gluteraldehyde), paraffin embedding, and expert tissue sectioning. We offer routine and special histochemical stains including H&E, Trichrome, Sirius Red, and can develop and provide validation on other stains for specific use.

Whole Slide Imaging

Pacific Rim Pathology scans digital imagery slides utilizing our Leica Aperio AT2 DX System with a capacity of 400 slides per cassette. Slides are then reviewed for quality control through Aperio ImageScope clinical viewing software.

High quality diagnostic images can be provided to clients in .svs or other file formats.

Electron Microscopy

Pacific Rim deploys an in-house Zeiss EM 109 electron microscope allowing our practice to provide technical processing for renal biopsies. Read more about the EM services we currently offer by clicking on the sample image!

Professional Services

Pacific Rim Pathology offers a variety of professional services including slide interpretations, identification of tumor cells and annotations, scoring for histologic endpoints, histology protocol consultations, and medical directorship.

To learn more about our provided services, please contact our Research department via email by filling out an inquiry below!

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Research Sponsors we have worked with: